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Best party hostels in Arusha

Best Party Hostel in Arusha | Party Hostel in Tanzania

Arusha Backpackers Hotel

This lively hostel is a perfect match for party-goers. With a bar on-site, game nights, and organized tours, the entertainment never ends. The location is convenient, with local restaurants and night clubs just a walk away.
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Best Party Hostel in Arusha | Party Hostel in Tanzania

Arusha Center Inn Tourist Hostel

The on-site bar and lounge provide a social atmosphere, and the daily happy hours add spice to the party scene. They also arrange group sightseeing tours for their guests.
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Best Party Hostel in Arusha | Party Hostel in Tanzania

Safari House Hostel

This place offers a relaxing atmosphere with a socially conducive common lounge and an on-site bar for evening parties.
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Best Party Hostel in Arusha | Party Hostel in Tanzania

Korona House

This place hosts social events like cultural nights and provides a soothing and relaxing atmosphere with its pool-side bar.
โœ”๏ธ Social Hostel

Best Party Hostel in Arusha | Party Hostel in Tanzania

The Greenhouse Arusha

This eco-friendly spot may not have parties, but with activities like volunteering opportunities and group hikes, it offers a social experience.
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Are hostels in Arusha safe for solo travelers?

Hostels in Arusha are generally safe for solo travelers. Most hostels cater to international tourists and have security measures like locked gates, CCTV cameras, and staff available 24/7. Additionally, these hostels often have communal areas where you can meet fellow travelers, contributing to a sense of community and safety. Reading up on reviews and choosing well-rated hostels can further ensure a secure and pleasant stay.

What are the prices in Arusha?

  • Accommodation
    Budget hostel: $10-20 per night
  • Mid-range hotel
    $50-100 per night
  • Luxury lodges
    $200+ per night
  • Food
    Local meal: $2-5
  • Mid-range restaurant
    $10-20 per meal
  • High-end dining
    $30+ per meal
  • Transport
    Dala-dala fare: $0.20-0.50 per trip
  • Taxi ride within the city
    $5-20 depending on distance
  • Tours and Activities
    Day safari: $200-300
  • Guided city tour

What is the best time to visit Arusha?

The best time to visit Arusha is during the dry seasons: June to October and January to February. During these periods, the weather is more predictable, making it ideal for safaris, mountain climbing, and other outdoor activities. The dry season from June to October is particularly good for wildlife viewing as animals gather around water sources. Arusha experiences two rainy seasons. The 'long rains' from March to May and the 'short rains' in November and December. Traveling during the rainy seasons can be challenging due to mud and inaccessible roads, although itโ€™s less crowded, and the landscape is lush and green.

Is Arusha safe?

Arusha is generally considered safe for travelers, especially those participating in organized tours or staying in well-regarded accommodations. Like any city, it's wise to follow standard safety precautions such as not walking alone at night, avoiding flashing valuables, and being cautious when using ATMs. Local authorities and tourism operators have put measures in place to enhance the security of visitors, but always stay aware of your surroundings.

What are the best areas to stay in Arusha?

  • Central Arusha
    Great for those who want easy access to amenities, restaurants, and transport options.
  • Njiro
    Known for its upscale feel, with nice restaurants and quieter surroundings.
  • Sakina
    Offers a more local vibe with affordable accommodations and local eateries.
  • Usa River
    Ideal for those wanting to be close to nature and adventure tours, while still having access to basic facilities. These areas offer a range of accommodations from budget hostels to luxury lodges, ensuring all kinds of travelers can find something suitable.

What are the must-see attractions in Arusha?

  • Arusha National Park
    Home to diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes, including Mount Meru.
  • Cultural Heritage Centre
    Offers a glimpse into Tanzanian art, history, and culture.
  • Meserani Snake Park
    A unique experience with a variety of snakes and other reptiles.
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
    While not in Arusha itself, it's a major draw for visitors passing through.
  • Maasai Market
    Perfect for buying local crafts, jewelry, and souvenirs.

Is Arusha a party place?

Arusha is not typically known as a party city. While it has nightlife offerings such as bars, lounges, and a few nightclubs, it is more renowned as a gateway to some of Africaโ€™s most impressive natural wonders, including Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti. The nightlife here is more laid-back and tailored towards social gatherings over a few drinks rather than high-energy, all-night parties. If youโ€™re looking for a vibrant party scene, other Tanzanian cities like Dar es Salaam would be more suitable. Nonetheless, Arusha does offer some evening entertainment options, ideal for unwinding after a day of exploration.

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